Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

TA Proffesional English


Name : Ido Tamtomo Raharjo
Address : Bumi Tegal Besar Blok BR. 20 Jember
WWB : Jember, August 14th 1972
Hobby : Listening to the music & playing instrument
Idea : Scientist
Profession : an ICT teacher
Workplace : Junior high school 9 of Jember, Islamic senior high school of Darus Sholah, Jember, Vocational high school of Darul Falah Jember.
School history : Centre Elementary school of Tanggul, Junior high school 1 Tanggul, Senior high school 2 Tanggul, D3 Economic University of Jember, S1. Economic Muhammadiyah University of Jember.

1. First of all, let me know what is your profession? (an ICT teacher, Web Master or programmer)
# I’m an ICT teacher
2. How long have you been worked there?
# I’ve been there for 9 years
3. How about your experience since you’ve been an ICT teacher? (Please tell us your story)
# It’s very pleasant… because I can keep in touch with my student and I it’s always full of challenge because I have to follow the non-stopped information of technology which always change and grow progressively. Besides, I feel very happy in my job as an ICT teacher because I see the students that motivated by practice on computer laboratory.
4. Oh yeah, you are a bachelor from the Faculty of Economic,,, but why did you choose a profession like an ICT teacher?
# Unintentionally, my area need an ICT teacher and thank God I have skill enough on ICT and I feel interested to teach this subject because it is the one which very interesting and enthused by all student.
5. What is the problem which often you face in your work?
# At my workplace, there are no enough facility, there are only some computers that can’t fulfill the quantity of the students, this case that make a little obstruction of my work
6. According to you, what is the best solution to solve this problem?
# As soon as possible, this facility must be fulfilled as a support of ICT learning because in this case it’s very important to let the students practice using computer by themselves. Because according to me, learning ICT without practicing is nothing.
7. What kind of tips do you can give to become the best ICT teacher?
# Always place forward the practice, so after passed from the school, students ready for use in ICT field, at least they are be able as an operator to operate some programs and of course to give them an ability for their next study or might work.
8. What kind of trick do you can give us as Generation of Youth based on your job and the developing of technology of information which grow progressively nowadays?
# As a candidate of ICT teacher, you should visit the bookstore regularly and update the newest information the growth of technology of information at this time through all media, whether newspaper, magazine, or maybe internet so that you will not left behind the information of all. Study hard from this day, prepare yourself to become a good teacher so you can exploit the trend of technology of Information in this time to support your study process later.


Ido Tamtomo Raharjo, 39 years old, is an ICT teacher at some schools in Jember, that are Junior High School 9 Jember, Islamic Senior High School Darus Sholah and Vocational High School Darul Falah. He have been an ICT teacher since 2002. A bachelor of Faculty of Economic of Muhammadiyah University confess interested to teach ICT because he is very interested with the growth of technology which rapidly progressive day by day.
According to Mr. Ido, becoming an ICT teacher is very pleasant… because it’s can keep in touch with our student and it’s always full of challenge because we have to follow the non-stopped information of technology which always change and grow progressively. Mr. Ido said, to become the best an ICT teacher we have always place forward the practice, so after passed from the school, students ready for use in ICT field, at least they are be able as an operator to operate some programs and of course to give them an ability for their next study or might work. His message to all of generation candidate of ICT teacher “you should visit the bookstore regularly and update the newest information the growth of technology of information at this time through all media, whether newspaper, magazine, or maybe internet so that you will not left behind the information of all. Study hard from this day, prepare yourself to become a good teacher so you can exploit the trend of technology of Information in this time to support your study process later”.
Lesson I which can take away from this interview, I can understand how to become the best ICT teacher, I can get the picture of what having to I do later when I have really becoming an ICT teacher, and I become progressively motivated to become an ICT teacher next time.

Qoimatul Adilah (110533406982)
S1. PTI Offering A

Senin, 05 September 2011

Teknologi Informasi

Teknologi Informasi

Secara garis besar, Teknologi adalah ilmu yang berkaitan dengan seni dan sains, yang mengaplikasikan pengetahuan saintik ke dalam dunia industry atau bisnis. Sedangkan Teknologi Informasi adalah penggunaan peralatan elektronika seperti komputer untuk mendapatkan suatu informasi dan menghasilkan keputusan. TI sangat luas, tidak hanya terbatas pada komputer saja namun juga masih banyak lagi, seperti BTS, Tower dsb.

Teknologi Informasi meliputi:

• Data : Kata kunci dari data adalah “Fakta’, karena semua fakta didunia nyata yang kita dengar dan kita lihat merupakan data.
• Informasi : Merupakan suatu kumpulan dari data-data yang kita peroleh, sudah dip roses atau di olah,di manipulasi dan saling berhubungan satu sama lain.
• Knowledge (Pengetahuan) : Hasil dari suatu pemahaman informasi yang ada dan menghasilkan suatu keputusan.

Sifat Informasi : Perfect & Imperfect
Sumber Informasi : informasi bias kita dapatkan dari observasi, kuesioner, pencatatan/perekaman, pemodelan, media masa, alat telekomunikasi, alat elektronos, dsb.
Karakteristik Info yang baik : Tepat waktu, akurat,mudah di akses, menghilangkan keraguan, berhubungan, serta berdasarkan fakta.

Urgensi Teknologi Informasi

Tak bisa kita pungkiri bahwa saat ini Teknologi Informasi sangat di perlukan, Karena dengan teknologi ini kita bisa mempermudah tugas dan pekerjaan kita. Sehingga hampir semua orang di dunia ini menggunakan jasa teknologi informasi, serta lebih banyak orang yang bekerja di bidang penanganan informasi dari pada industry dan pertanian. Oleh karena itulah masyarakat saat ini dinamakan Masyarakat Informasi

Komponen Teknologi Informasi :

Beberapa komponen utama teknologi informasi adalah: Hardware (Istilah untuk bagian fisik sebuah teknologi), Software (kebalikan dari hardware, dan di dalamnya termasuk : program,dokumen dan data) dan Brainware (istilah yang sering digunakan untuk manusia yang berhubungan dengan computer). Selain komponen utama tersebut, ada juga Firmware (Perangkat lunak yang “ditanamkan” ke perangkat keras secara semi-permanen) dan Infoware (User manual, SOP, cyber law )

Penerapan Teknologi Informasi

Saat ini teknologi informasi sudah diterapkan dalam berbagai macam bidang, seperti: di bidang Industri, Perbankan, Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Pemerintahan, Hiburan, dll .

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Your Parents

Di saat Ayah dan Ibumu tua, bukan lagi yang dulu. Maklumilah orang tuamu, bersabarlah dalam menghadapi mereka,,,,
Di saat orang tuamu menumpahkan kuah sayuran di bajunya, di saat mereka tidak lagi mengingat cara mengikat tali spatu, ingatlah saat2 bagaimana mereka mengajarimu, membimbingmu untuk melakukannya....
Di saat orang tuamu dengan pikunnya mengulang terus menerus ucapan yang membosankanmu, bersabarlah mendengarkannya, jangan memotong ucapan beliau. Di masa kecilmu, mereka harus mengulang dan mengulang terus sebuah cerita yang telah mereka ceritakan ribuan kali, hingga dirimu terbuai dalam mimpi.....
Di saat orang tuamu membutuhkanmu untuk memandikannya, janganlah menyalahkannya, ingatkah di masa kecilmu, bagaimana mereka dengan berbagai cara membujukmu untuk mandi....????
Di saat mereka kebingungan menghadapi hal-hal baru dan tekhnolagi modern janganlah menertawainya, renungkanlah bagaimana dengan sabarnya setiap "mengapa" yang engkau ajukan di saat itu.
Di saat kedua kakinya terlalu lemah untuk berjalan, ulurkanlah tanganmu yang muda dan kuat untuk memapah mereka, sebagaimana di masa kecilmu mereka menuntunmu melangkahkan kaki untuk belajar berjalan.....
Di saat engkau melihat mereka menua, janganlah bersedih maklumilah mereka, dukunglah mereka seperti dukungan mereka terhadapmu... di saat engkau mulai belajar tentang kehidupan.....
" Dulu orang tuamu menuntunmu menapaki jalan kehidupan ini, kini temanilah mereka hingga akhir hayatnya... berilah mereka cinta kasih dan kesabaranmu,,, mereka akan menerimanya dengan senyuman penuh syukur,,,,, dan di dalam senyuman itu tertanam kasih sayang yang tak terhingga padamu.....

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Pr3n9_ImeUt was come back...

Lama ne ga Update Blog...karena emang ga tau mau nuliz apa... 'n yang pazti ne sekarang ima juga ga punya waktu buat nuliz... biasa lah,Ima kan orang sibuk,,,,hwehehe jadwal di sekolah ima yang super padet, bikin Ima ga punya waktu buat nulis ato sekedar buka ne blog.

Apa yang baru dari hidup ima...?
Saat ini Ima tetep sibuk menimba ilmu di Darus Sholah Islamic Boarding School,,, dan lagi persiapan buat semester 2 ntar. Doain ya temen2.... semoga di semester kali ini nilai Ima bisa lebih baik,,, biar Ima ga di omelin lagi ma Ortu... hehehe
( Waduh,,, ga penting banged ngomongin kesibukan gw,,,, kaya' artis aja!!! Hwaha,, PD B9d sich gw.....)

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Ustadzku, Pangeranku...

Jika ku bisa tadz,,, hari ini juga ku kan jujur ungkapkan rasa yang lebih sulit dari bab Haal, TamyiZz, Istisna', ato apapun,,,, rasa yang tak bertanda seperti I'rob, rasa yang tersembunyi dalam hatiku laksana dlomir mustatir, rasa yang lebih rumit daripada proses i'lal,,, Rasa suci,,,,, yang di sakralkan bernama " Mahabbah"